After diamonds had been discovered, their strength and durability were seen as a valuable feature which made the stone useful in more ways than one. They were extensively used as cutting tools, worn as jewelry, and used as talismans to bring luck in wars or even cure diseases. In the modern world, diamonds are mostly used for jewelry and in industrial tools such as cutting devices, videodisc needles and even instruments in laboratories.
Even though it sounds improbable, diamonds share similar characteristics with coal. This is due to the fact that both of them are composed of carbon. However, the crucial difference between them lies in their molecular structure and the way they were created. The precious stones that we know today have taken millions of years to form in high pressures and temperatures, which are found in the earth’s lithosphere.
Back in those days, India was considered to be the only source of diamonds. Then, in the 18th century another deposit was found in Brazil. However, the supply was small and could not meet the high global demands. In the 19th century another large deposit was found on the banks of the Orange River. This sparked a diamond rush, with thousands of people carefully inspecting the area in the hopes of finding the precious stone. This resulted in the first large Kimberly Mine, which increased diamond supply all around the world.
However, the newly found source influenced the value of the precious stones, which suddenly were no longer considered a rarity. The elite had to find an alternative, so colored gemstones became all the rage, led by jewelry which included sapphires, rubies, emeralds and more.
Diamonds are stones which are perfect for engagement rings. They symbolize endless love, romance, commitment, devotion and appreciation. But what is the story behind this age-old symbol? In order to trace its historical origins, let’s go back to the 13th century.
It was the time of the most influential popes of the Middle Ages, including Pope Innocent III. He had declared that there must be a waiting period between the marriage and the betrothal ceremonies. In order to signify the commitment of the engaged couple, special rings were used. At around the same period these rings became an essential component at wedding ceremonies.
The very first instance of a diamond engagement ring was found in records, which stated that in the 15th century Archduke Maximilian of Austria had proposed to Mary of Burgundy with one. Even though engagement rings existed and were quite common at the time, these precious stones were quite rare and were only used by the upper classes and royalty.